The Indiana Gazette from Indiana, Pennsylvania (2024)

fNDIANA EVENING GAZfilTfi, INDIANA, PENNSVLVAN1A.TUESDAV, OCTOBER fl. lnSf PAGE TWO Wven trucker- harrtlng- heavyistruck an oncoming vehicle a timber and carrying hvdraulic'glancing blow while attempting to Public Land Invasion Charged Indiana Adult Evening Schoo lacks; Happened pass, another vehicle. The Nichols car swerved across the hlghwayi and Into the side of the semi honeymoon area Niagara. Will A honeymoon certificate signed By Ontario's city mayor goes' to each" couple registered at the Chamber of Commerce office In according to a custom, of. many years standing- Read the Gazette Uassltiled Ad Using the timber and Jacks, volunteers shored lip heavy semitrailer whllona, of th work-melt' broke a window and pulled By Stevenson In Campaigning Courses Listed For 56-57 Term trailer truck.

The trailer load of steel auto mobile wheels toppled onto the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS cal care for lack oi funds, he tfA hl wife ifety. The Mrs, Betty Lou Wood, Room 1, Nichola car, crushing In the topi Adlal E. Stevenson opened a'but those who can pay ill or part "capea wun omy praises, IJHS Monday. and pinning the couple In the front Blue Print Reading and Sketelw campaign awing today, of the expense' should do The car driven by Mrs, fllchols with a charge that the Eisenhow- Both candidates for the No. il Mr.

Ward C. Johnson, Prlncipalor private school. An attendance or the Indiana Adult Evenlngl' is rc1uird en" rollees but is returned to residents School has announced the select-, Borough who atend 4t ion at courses to be offered during east fourteen of the weekly class the 1956-5? school term, the meet-isessions. ing place Of each class, and the! The complete list of courses with instructor. aummary of each, the day it meets, where it the Ing This course is intended for those workers who desire an Understanding of sketching, working drawings; and blue prints, It Includes a review of fractions, deci er aomimstretion nas permittea.jpot also hit the campaign trial public lands invaded by today.

Vice President Nixon and given away to selfish private 'scheduled three appearances in Interests." iTexas.and Sen. Estes Kefauver, His prime target. President Eis- Stevenson'a running mate, mals, and shop calculations plus enhower, meanwhile prepared to: votes In New Jersey and New October 52, and continue for elgh- insirucror lonaws: inrpriiun teen weeks, each section meeting Typewrltlng-The course will in- ng drawings. Elwood Batiks, Room fly to Pittsburgh, reportedly and New Hampshire. to reply to Democratic criticisms Durlna.

a huv dav In Delaware itw Mnndnv nr Wednesdavic ude nstruction of the entire Social Dancing Fundamental Wiin some or nis own in a nation-yesterday, Kefauver said that (1) rhvthms and coordination will be.wide radio-TV speech tonight. most American, women will vote evenings from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. (writer keyboard by the approved ENceptions to this schedule areitouch system. The student will the basis of this course. The cnn- The Democratic presidential Democratic this year in protest of listed below.

Imake practical use ol the type- Ijwrlter: by writing paragraphs, tinuation ana development of tnenominees opening blast came in what he called the high cost of modern social dance steps will be speech prepared for delivery in living," and (2) any Instances of Registration will be conducted in the office of the Secretary to the Superintendent of the Indiana ilarticles, and setting up short let-i tiers. Mrs. W. 0. Montgomery and A $2.00 pianist fee will Great Falls, Mont.

He planned to wrongdoing in the Democratic be charged for members of thislspeak later today In Boise. Idaho.sparty in the past are "Infinitestl- Schools, Dr. Edgar 0. Perry, iniLowell C. Slahlman, Room, 202, the Indiana School buildlngiilJHS Monday and Wednes-i class and this is the only course and Seattle Wash.

mal" compared to what he termed that begins at 9:00 p.m. James wkiio Eisenhower administration "eive- Wagne'r, Horace Mann speech tonignt wi aways." day at 9:00. Div (0 wna, the i Alaska, a territorial election on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 15 day (two- classes). and 16 from 9:00 a.m.

to Mathematics of the Shops and noon, 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Building Trades The ground work in the evenlna from 7:00 P.m. tO thr' annllratlnn nt mathprnntire' welding instruction is onerea in tcments that havn been, was set for todav. the last such 8:00 p.m.

ito shop problems is explained iniotrt oxy-acetylene and electric arc. made in this campaign by the op- turnout in any state or territory The Indiana Adult language of the funda-Welding. The course covers the position." before the national election No. 6. welding of steel in flat and verti School, sponsored by the arithmetic, algebra, cal positions.

Gas torch practice Great Falls was Parties "OP t0 Plck first stop In a flying, four-day ammunition for the closing includes instruction in the weld ing of cast Iron, brazing, and cut of Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oreonn and California. Th flvel In other political developments: Borougn acnooi ooaru, is open 10 ajid trigonometry. Em-any resident of the Indiana areapansis is latcr given t0 basic who 1s over 17 years of age and notiprnblems arsing the shops and presently enrolled in any publicibuildine trades. David Dunmire, Horace Mann Building, Monday. ting cast iron and steel.

A states own a total of 55 electoral In Columbus, Ohio, Postmaster material fee is charged for each votes all of which went to Eisen-iGeneral Arthur Summerfield at-hnwer In 11.12 tacked Stevenson's record as gov- member of the class In addition to the normal registration fee. HOW lnOia I Beginning Sewing In this TfTITTU designed for beginners the srAaLdll I I 11 Drimarv objective is to develop Thomas Salva, Room 6A, JJHS c-u- in Illinois, saying It was At Great Falls. Stevenson said i by many scandals. the administration has Monday. Merc Firmly in Place through lectures and demonstra- linn nlnncr with aimnlft nroier.ts.i "scrapped a long-standing in mhirV, h.

Hls (Stevenson s) one single, Shorthand I Study Gregg Sim Tin vour false teath anuar ma em. 1 D. Your teen-ager. know the value lJw 4 of telephones YOur know the value of telephones a short term elective office Sanaa, by nipping, dropping or won- the skills, Knowledge, and 'rue reflected no credit on his ability needed the construction oi-uPeru. bling when you eat, iaush or talk? Just aprlnkl a little FASTEETH on Monday.

rlCSX Shorthand II Study of trans- in demanding integrity; no credit home yesterday, Stevenson re they'd be lost without them! scrlptlon and speed building prac-: on his wisdom in choosing the men clothing. The use of common stitches in hard sewing, operation of the sewing machine, selection of materials, and fundamental sewing principals will be taught. your plates, in in maun lie I non-wa i powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Does not our.

Checks "plate odor' denture breath) Get FASTEETH today as my drug counter. 4.: ir. Wnrtm-'dac liic uiiiu hi acuca ui mo-: 307. IJHS Wednesday. tat" In Washington the Democratic Using Office Machlnes-The Tf 'fj'lNational Committee's Advisory damental operations and on Small Business said led health program.

small business men are in revolt manipulations of the Ediphone, Goals included: a health msur- Ditto. Listing Machine. I the administration. tors, and Adding Machines will u-nl 1 A Btatement said "small and In- Thr or Ih calls thy About echoolwork and dances and football games and hobbies. Calls that help them in their work and in their social life.

Thar ar Ih call, lhy rciv. From iriends, from members of the groups they belong to, from people for whom they do part-time jobs. Calls that help them build their place in the world. whili special formula bread Advanced Boekkeeplng-Avail- ed Perience of trying to sur-l able to those who have had hospi als. Iyive an admimstrationl rtous training or experience In1 Stevenson said bis proposals arejwhjch devote5 (tje( almMt exdu bookkeeping.

The course continues, t0 creatinB sPecial favors through the use of practice mater- the huge corporate empires. ial, to develop methods of account- Stevenson campaign headquar principle is that no Robert Buchanan. Room 201. be dePrived of medi'iWeek network radio broadcast to in your Weight Control Program run until the And of the campaign. Monday.

intermediate Coal Mining- Anthony NO ADDED SUGAR OR SHORTENING. ana Sportswear Co. Wed Aged Couple 24 hours a day, 365 day, a year, the telephone is at the service of your teen-agers, and everyone else in the family. It keeps you in touch. It brings you peace of for the world is as close as telephone.

Any way you look at il, your telephone service is one of the biggest bargains in the family budget. It's always high in value, low in cost. nesday. Effective Writing -A short streamlined course for those who Trapped By oxidation, fires, explosions, rock dusting, rescue and recovery work.i explosives and blasting, timbering, drainage, compressed air; related math. This course is the only class that meets two evening each week affe rafting, laHe7Mrllngf need to write more concisely and effectively.

Primarily designed for Bug Trailer latter ft Ih. Wtafa ef PERRY, Mich. IB An elderly couple was trapped two hours -fri on both Monday and Wednesday. "U' Duane Jones. Room 109.

PSs, valuable Mondav and -who m(u5t i tu i Art write reports, memos, minutes, industrial Smg-The funda- j5 their automobile under 20 tons steel yesterday when a semitrailer truck loaded with wheels toppled THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA .7 ranged in ready-to-use course and! high speed industrial sewing ma- 6 hi Tk represents successful experience! on their car. The load was sinking down on IStroehmann's nf nickebs liODers and sleeves iin helPinE express them- Ji? i "1. selves more, effectively in writ- Williams Nichols, 74, and his -wife iinn. Frank B. Hood.

Room 309. Agnes, 77, of Battle Creek, lai type macmnes win oe intro- duced I to those desiring this in- 'S Wdnesday I Advanced Sewing Designed for THERE'S NO BETTER REASON THAN THE advanced students, this course in-! eludes a study of materials, the selection of appropriate'- clothing designs, the use and Interpretation of commercial patterns, fundamental sewing principals, and pres sing. The fundamental processes of sewing are taught (n the con struction of all types of garments for children and adults. Mrs. Brit- ta Nesbltt, Room 1, IJHS THERE'S NO BETTER SEASON THAN Wednesday.

Retail Selling and Merchandii-: JUBILEE ing The techniques of over-the-counter selling will be developed SALES through each of five steps. Personality development will also be included. There will be a complete review of store arithmetic including buying the goods, stock control, and stock turnover. Retail advertising and store display as well as stare finance 'and account ing will be discussed. Special con- sideration will be given to class in PAYS terests and preference.

Robert Buchanan, Room 301, IJHS Wednesday. Maunine Tool Open Ion A tho rough study of cutting tools, pro advantage of Capi-tol's door cedures and calculations along with the operation of the various machine tools, measuring and inspec tion methods, and bench layout and assembly work will be fea tured. Tom Taylor, Horace Mann Wednesday. "Jubilee Sales See for yourself why all over America more and more people are buying Capitol Doors. A complete door with two glass and screen inserts, all hardware.

Guaranteed not to sag, warp or rust never needs painting. America's finest quality door at i price you can't beat anywhere. Woodworking The course Is in tended for students who are interested in woodworking and also stu dents who are facing actual wprk-; tng problems at home. The aiml of the course Is to eliminate the hit-or-miss feature from amateuri procedure, and to lay certain cor- rect foundations for The course will include instruction mil' 3 in the proper care and technique of the essential hand tools, woodworking machinery, repairing of furniture, simple pre-Job sketching and layout procedure for machine work. Brysn Schuttc, Room 6, IJHS Wednesday.

araiiiaUiw arjauiie v.r.i I i rii vm niiiarii mi M-aaa- -a a l.a'a-Il I Fundamentals of Electricity This course includes the study of. What vtlfvl way to swing into Fall! It's Oldsmobile's value-packed, budget-priced Juf ansldar tha faaturaai The great Rocker Engine- smooth 230 horse power giving you economy when you want it and all the power you'U ever ueed for. safety sake! There's a road-hugging ride only a big car can provide. And styling that will stay new and bold hi value too! So moke yovr move in a big way, up to Olds! You'll like doing businoB the quality way. Let fthow you nou! SW k.p.

i iN'iwrr-ttA. taW Supr modd. Now't th tt lima to stop up to Oldsmobllo cor that flivoo you rockotlns performance at down-to-oorth prleol codes, symbols, house wiring methods. Installation of controls, switch 7 I The pn Proawla A COMI IN AND ICK Uf YOU FRCC INItY BLANK OR CALl FO AN ESTIMATE ON DOOM AND WINDOWS OU SALESMAN WILL MING YOUd ENTRY SUNK TO YOU. es, relays, circuit breakers, and power wiring methods.

The basic principles of electricity, as well as testing methods, combined with their practical applications, are 1.1 iuih wjjuoi minion uoor jubilee I iVl 6 1 -ontest. inere is nothing to buy no rhvmes to given through study in this course Mr. Joseph Hoffman, Room 5A, IJHS Wednesday. Elementary Bookkeeping Offered for those who have had no compiete. All you do is fill in the official entry blank and vou may be the winner of a new 1957 Ford Ranch Wagon.

Remember you are always winner when you buy Capitol From YOU'U aUWATS WflCOMI AT YPU QlPSMOIIll QUALITY OlAtll If Colonial Motors Inc. of Indiana, 349 N. 4th St. INDIANA LUMBER SUPPLY CO. previous experience in bookkeep-; ing.

Accounts common to mercan-l tile or personal service constitute the core around which principles covered will center. The use of sets of practice work leads to efficient bookkeeping methods. 'Mr. Lowell C. St ah in, Room 201.

I IJHS Wednesday. 200 K. 10th St. Indiana Phone 5-5616 IN5-5601 II CAIHgi, i.MIVI SAFKYI.

The Indiana Gazette from Indiana, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.